Please refer to the Expectations Handout, and the addition of the following roles and responsbilities of a student athlete:

Attitude: a positive and team-centered attitude is expected at all times.

  • Sacrifice "me" for "we."

  • Maintain a positive attitude especially with reference to Knight volleyball in and out of the gym.

  • Support all your teammates, managers and coaches, no matter their age, skill level, or experience.

  • Treat every teammate, coach, referee, parent / guardian and yourself with respect at all times.

Communication: do not make the coaches guess... communicate!

  • Become familiar with the team website, its uses and resources.

  • Communicate with the coaches, directly (not through messages from other players).

  • Players are only allowed to talk to coaches about their own situations (such as playing time or position), never another player's playing time or position.

  • Assume the responsibility of communicating with the coaches yourself whenever possible.

Health: as athletes, players need to work harder than other students to maintain optimal health. The team relies on you to do so.

  • Get enough sleep.

  • Eat healthily and regularly... do not miss meals. Pack extra snacks, just in case you need more calories.

  • Stay hydrated... pre-hydrate, always bring a water bottle and drink BEFORE you are thirsty.

  • Let a coach know immediately about any health issue, big or small. This includes injuries or any illnesses or concerns.


If you have questions or concerns about YOUR athlete then please respect the following flow of contact procedures:

1. First, talk to your athlete. They are at practice almost everyday and should know the team's situation and their important role on the team.

2. If you have spoken with your athlete and still have a question, then please email the coach to set up a time to talk to the coaching staff. We will meet with you either before or after practice (not during and not at all on a game day). We will do the best job we can to be honest with you and to answer your questions.

3. If you feel it necessary to continue a discussion after our meeting, then I will encourage you to schedule a time to sit down with the athletic director and the coaching staff.

The Relationship between Coach and Parent / Guardians

Resolving a Conflict on Sports Teams

Ways for Parents / Guardians to Set a Good Example for Their Student Athlete

KHSAA Handbook (the same rules apply for middle school)