Coach Weber

Ms. Weber is the head coach of Knight Volleyball and is the 8th Grade Science teacher. Ms. Weber comes to Knight with 30 years of volleyball experience as both a player and coach for Junior Olympic Volleyball, at the University level and GLL Champions in Northwest Ohio. She loves the Cleveland Indians, University of Louisville and University of Michigan Fastpitch softball teams, and travels the country playing softball with her women's and co-ed teams.


Coach Gordon

Miss Gordon is the assistant coach of Knight Volleyball and is one of our UA Teachers. Miss Gordon is a hometown Louisville grad from duPont Manual High School and the University of Louisville. She loves playing volleyball and has done both at the high school level and intramural level.


AD Lewis

Mr. Lewis graduated with his Bachelors in Business Administration from Western Kentucky in 2015 and also received his first Master's degree in Sports Recreation and Adminstration from Western Kentucky in 2017. He currently teaches 7th Grade Social Studies. He has coached or assistant coached boys and girls basketball and boys football the past 4 years at Knight Middle School. As the Athletic Director at Knight, Mr. Lewis has dedicated himself to his student athletes.
