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Tacia Keeton

Rhea Butler

Leslie Walker

Adrienne Scruse
Mental Health Practitioner

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you provide contact information for resources so I can access services for my child?

Click here.

What support services are available at Kammerer Middle School?

What specific services are available through my child's counselor?

What is the best way to talk with my child’s counselor?

A parent should set up an appointment to see his or her child’s counselor by phone (485-8279), e-mail, fax, or letter.

What is the best way for my child to talk with his or her counselor?

The best way is for students to make an appointment with clerical staff and the counselor through the Counseling Office. If it is an emergency, they should contact a teacher or general office staff member immediately and let him or her know of their need to see their counselor.

What else can I learn about the services and programs offered by JCPS?

Accesses the JCPS homepage, which has information on a variety of JCPS programs and departments.

Is there a general K–12 Web site for me to access counselor-related information?

Visit the JCPS counselor Web pages, which will allow you to access information regarding the curriculum, enrollment, health/immunizations, testing, grading procedures, special programs, college/career information, and community resources.