3. Assess a Lesson

Increasing Equity and Expectations through Formative Performance Tasks

Steps for Assessing a Lesson

Calibrating Formative Performance Tasks (FPTs) and the Assessment Criteria helps teachers build consensus around definitions and understanding of assessment language. The goal of calibration is to ensure equitable assessment opportunities for every learner in JCPS in order to meet individual and classroom needs. Learners should be familiar with the language of the tasks and criteria. 

Calibrating the Formative Performance Task

Instructions: Agree upon a common definition and understanding of the language of the Formative Performance Task (FPT). Then move to Move to calibrated the assessment criteria 

Calibrating the Assessment Criteria

Instructions: Agree upon a common definition and understanding of the language of the Assessment Criteria

2. Assess Student work Using Calibrated Rubric 

Assessing learners' work using the calibrated rubric helps learners grow as learners. The goal of assessing learner work using a scaffolded, single point is to provide individualized feedback for one or more criteria levels. 

Considerations for providing feedback:

3. Standards Based Grading