7th Grade: Unit 9

CQ: How does perspective help us understand new interactions? 

CQ: How does perspective help us understand new interactions? 

Staging the Compelling Question

Overview | Student Slides

Supporting Question 1: 

What happened when Moctezuma met Cortés? (SHEG) 

Teacher Guide | Student Slides

Supporting Question 2: 

What was La Malinche’s role in the conquest of Mexico? (SHEG)

Teacher Guide | Student Slides

Supporting Question 3: 

Did Moctezuma have a zoo? (SHEG)

Teacher Guide | Student Slides

Supporting Question 4: 

How reliable is the Florentine Codex for learning about Aztec history and culture? (SHEG) 

Teacher Guide | Student Slides

Summative Performance Task

Overview | Student Slides

Taking Informed Action

Overview | Student Slides