7th Grade: Unit 8

CQ: What is the historical significance of the European Renaissance?

CQ: What is the historical significance of the European Renaissance?

Staging the Compelling Question

Overview | Student Slides

Supporting Question 1: 

How did the Renaissance cause changes in European thought?

Teacher Guide | Student Slides

Supporting Question 2: 

How Did the European Worldview Change During the Renaissance? (DBQ Project: World V2)

Teacher Guide | Student Slides

Supporting Question 3: 

How did Greece and Rome influence Europe?

Teacher Guide | Student Slides

Supporting Question 4: 

How did art challenge and reinforce traditional thinking?

Teacher Guide | Student Slides

Supporting Question 5:

How did literature challenge and reinforce traditional thinking? 

Teacher Guide | Student Slides

Summative Performance Task

Overview | Student Slides

Taking Informed Action

Overview | Student Slides