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RingCentral FAQ

Q: Why RingCentral?

A: JCPS introduced RingCentral in the midst of a global pandemic. RingCentral, a cloud-based voice system enables JCPS staff to make voice calls from a JCPS (district) number using a mobile app (iOS or Android) OR a computer through the web/desktop app. Learn more >>>

Q: What do I do if my Activation Link is Expired

A: A user has 48 hours to Activate their Ring Central Account from time email is sent. Please place a ticket to and JCPS I.T. will send you a new Activation Link.

Q: Why do I not hear anything when using Ring Central for my MFA prompt?

A: Because of how Ring Central directs calls, you might miss some or all of a phone call’s automated response. For users with MFA calling their Ring Central phone, simply pressing the # key after answering the call will authorize MFA even if you missed the initial recorded message.

Q: Which headset should our schools purchase that is compatible with RingCentral?

A: For more information, go to RingCentral Headset Recommendations

Q: How do I change the voicemail greeting for a School or Department call queue?

Q: How do I install the RingCentral app on my PC, MAC or Mobile devices?

A: You can download the RingCentral app for all of your devices, by visiting RingCentral Apps.

Q: How do I setup Voicemail?

Q: How do I update my Security Question?

Q: How do I find my RingCentral phone number?

A: Log in to the RingCentral online or desktop app and click on the profile icon in the top right corner. Then click on View Profile. This will open a dialog box that shows your Company, Location and Phone details.

Q: How do I answer calls from RingCentral?

A: You can use any computer with a headset (Earbuds with a Microphone as well- used for iPhone for example) or mobile device to make and answer calls. For more information, go to RingCentral Headset Recommendations For more information on answering an incoming call, go to Quick Start Guide

Q: How do I send calls to voicemail?

A: You have two options:
Transfer Calls to Voicemail
Set a User's Availability to Do-Not-Disturb (This will send all calls straight to voicemail).

See How to >>>

Q: Do the phone calls only ring into one computer?

A: RingCentral will ring into Secretaries, Bookkeepers and Clerks who normally answer the School Front Office Phones . You will need to be logged into RingCentral via the Web Browser or Phone App and be in the Queue. For Example if 3 people are logged into Ring Central and normally answer Front Office phones, they will receive calls in the order in which they are received. Callers do here a prompt every minute to stay on the line as they are in a queue. If the caller hangs up and calls back they will be placed in the queue again until a Front Office Staff is available for their call.

Q: How do I change my voicemail greeting?

Q: Is it possible for parents to send texts/photos?

Q: How do I setup my greeting?

A: Yes, parents can send you text and photos to your Direct Dial number. Because your direct dial number is a smart number.

Q: May I use the "Invite" feature, to have my student's parents signup for RingCentral accounts?

A: Yes, parents can send you text and photos to your Direct Dial number. Because your direct dial number is a smart number.

Q: What if we do not answer the Incoming Calls and it goes to Voicemail?

A: You can retrieve from voicemail and also an email will be sent with the voicemail to all users answering the Front Office Phones. For more information, go to Ways to Check Your Voicemail

Q: What if others or new hires need to answer the Front Office phones or changes made to existing users that are not longer answering front office phones.

A: Please work with your location's Secretetary of office manager. They will be able to access this in the service portal and make adjustments to the Call Queue. If you need further assistance, please submit a ticket at