Comprehensive School Improvement Plan

What is a Comprehensive School Improvement Plan?

When developed through a collaborative process involving multiple stakeholders and implemented with fidelity, the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) cultivates an environment that promotes student growth and achievement.​ Through this intentional process, schools and districts identify priority needs, strategically allocate resources, and monitor results to meet the needs of all students and close achievement gaps among identified subgroups. 
RationaleSchool improvement efforts are a collaborative process involving multiple stakeholders. Through the improvement planning process, leaders focus on priority needs, funding, and closing achievement gaps among identified subgroups of students. When implemented with fidelity, the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) cultivates an environment that promotes student growth and achievement. While the focus of continuous improvement is student performance, the work must be guided by the aspects of teaching and learning that affect performance. An effective improvement process should address the contributing factors creating the learning environment (inputs) and the performance data (outcomes). Through the Needs Assessment for Schools, priorities were identified and processes, practices, and/or conditions were chosen for focus. This goal building template will assist your improvement team to address those priorities and outline your targets and the activities intended to produce the desired changes. Progress monitoring details will ensure that your plan is being reviewed regularly to determine the success of each strategy.Please note that the objectives (short-term targets) set by your school under the Achievement Gap section of this planning template will be used by the district’s superintendent to determine whether or not your school met its targets to reduce the gap in student achievement for any student group for two consecutive years as required by KRS 158.649. Likewise, operational definitions for each required planning component can be found on page 2 of the planning template.For those schools operating a Title I Schoolwide Program, this plan meets the requirements of Section 1114 of the Every Student Succeeds Act as well as state requirements under 703 KAR 5:225. No separate Schoolwide Program Plan is required.  

Phase I

Phase II

Phase III

Phase IV