Wheat Ridge High School

SSN/DHH+ Classroom Website

Welcome to our Classroom Website! Visit this page frequently to see what is happening in our class, important dates, and activities to be working on at home.

Class Announcement:

Our class will not be participating in the ski program this year. Due to problems with transportation, we are not able to access a Jeffco bus that would be able to take us up and down the mountain. We would have to pay for a charter bus and unfortunately that is not something we can fit into our budget. Last year we had teachers and support staff drive students and our administration has decided that puts too much liability on our staff, so that is no longer an option. I know that the ski program is something that many of our kids thrive in and we are disappointed that we are no longer able to do it as a class. If your child is still interested in participating and you are able to drive them to Winter Park or arrange rides with other parents, we will mark the absence as excused since it is a school sponsored activity. Please let me know if you are interested in having your child participate in skiing as soon as you can and we will get the paperwork started. Thank you!