About Homework

Your student should be in the habit of reading independently at home. We expect students to be reading a minimum of 20 minutes per day at home. There will occasionally be assignments which will need to be completed at home including reading responses, independent research reading, and vocabulary work.

Math homework may consist of individualized skills practice using Khan Mappers, an online math resource. Your student's MAP assessment scores will be loaded into this site (after Fall MAP testing in September) and it will generate practice problems where they need it the most. In addition, our classroom math resource has an online component, Think Central. Lesson assignments will be loaded into your student's cue each week for them to complete. Time will be given in the afternoons for students to work on these lessons. If they do not complete them in the time given, they should complete them at home. Also, I will be assigning practice pages from our Homework and Remembering pages when needed.

Literacy Homework: Reading a minimum of 20 minutes per day and completing an AIR form.

A school messenger will be sent out on Fridays/Saturdays to communicate with you.