
Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass! - taught by Ms. Leanna Rutka

Looking for videos to explore the instruments in the orchestra? Please follow the following links for instrument specific instrument information!





Caring For Your Instrument

If you're wondering how to take care of your violin, viola, cello or bass and keep it in great playing condition, then this video is for you! 

Area Festival Information!

Arvada West Orchestra Festival

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Featuring string musicians from:

Fairmount, Fremont, Stott, and Vanderhoof 

Drake, and Arvada West 

RV Area Festival Information!

Ralston Valley Orchestra Festival

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Featuring string musicians from:

Meiklejohn, Sierra, Van Arsdale, and West Woods 

Oberon, Three Creeks K-8, and Ralston Valley


To utilize these fun videos, click the link and play along with what the screen tells you. You can play in pizzicato or play with your bow! You need to know how many fingers it takes to play each note correctly so that you can have fun and be successful!

Open String Fiddlin'

All Star

Open String Hip Hop

Open String Rock

Bows Are Movin'

D String Rock

Monster Mash