Graduation Expectations

Considered in the development of each student’s IEP / Goals, the Graduation Expectations establish criteria for personal, social, and intellectual growth. Students must demonstrate significant growth, to an appropriate level of proficiency, in each of the Graduation Expectations, as agreed upon by the Advisor and Advisee. Evaluation occurs during individual Advising meetings using the Graduation Expectations rubrics and each student's portfolio documentation. Students gain proficiency in each of the 15 Graduation Expectations through the creation of and participation in a myriad of learning experiences. The self-designed Passages allow students to demonstrate their proficiency in each of the Graduation Expectations. Beginning in 2020, in order to graduate from JCOS, students will meet the Colorado Capstone requirement through presenting a Demonstration of Graduation, a formal meeting to express their proficiency in each of the Graduation Expectations.

List of Graduation Expectation Experiences





Risk and Challenge

Values and Moral Decision Making


Life Skills

Collaborative Community Involvement

Conflict Resolution

Flexibility and Resourcefulness

Healthy Relationships

Cultural Responsiveness


Responsible Global Citizenship

Analytical Reasoning and Problem Solving

Creative Expression

Science and Ecological Awareness