Schedule a Check-In

The forms below are for Deane staff members to complete on behalf of a student, themselves, or a colleague. If you are a student, you can request a check in using the form on the Student Stop page!

Use this form if you think that a student or group of students would benefit from a check-in.

Use this form if you'd like to schedule a formal check-in with me.

  • Did your colleague say something that made you think he/she could use a check-in?

  • Does his/her behavior seem different in a way that concerns you?

  • Has he/she experienced a sudden change or loss (of person/pet) lately?

If yes, use this form to confidentially request a check-in on your colleague's behalf.

Employees, retirees, and family members over age 15, may contact the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for help with any personal or work related problems. Office hours are typically 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. EAP services are confidential and provided without cost to the employee. For more information or to make an appointment, please call 303-982-0377.