Math and Science

Math and Science Portfolio Reflections

Top 5 environmental problems
natural gas
Copy of Energy Project 2017

PV Technology

Solar energy has made a jump in efficacy to 32.3 % and scientist think that they can bump the efficacy up to 40 %. Sectrolab has been working on a solar cell called triple-junction gallium-indium-phosphide. It has steadily improved since 1994. Also a 4 junction solar panel has been deployed for space.Scientists say that it will be this 4 junction cell that will boost solar energy to 40%.Thanks to these solar panels we can depend on cleaner energy not energy that is harmful to the environment.

Engineers have made an inexpensive way to make solar panels. They expect to make solar panels the main source of electricity.These solar panels are called thin film solar cells because they are 100 times as thin as regular solar panels. But ,they are more complex than regular solar panels which has limited there production. Also they are able to produce enough energy for a small business or a house without harmful emissions. These solar panels are going to revolutionize solar panels.

Car data
Road trip to Tampa