All about me

My name is Thad I am 10 years old, and I live in Golden, Colorado. I go to school at Kendrick Lakes and I am in 4th grade. My teacher is Ms.Elliott. I live with my mom, dad, my younger brother and sister.My pets are a dog, a cat, a rabbit, a hamster, and 7 chickens

I am very athletic and I love to do sports.I do competitive soccer, wrestling, baseball and swimming.I bike hike and ski to.I love birds expressly peregrine falcons which can travel at speeds up to 200 mph!!! My favorite food is mussels, a seafood.

My best friends names are Keran, Jack, Ashton, and Ryan. At my old school Ralston we used to play soccer at recess.My favorite thing about school is recces. I'm really good at sports .