Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports  (PBIS) is a process to create a safe, positive, and productive learning environment for all children.  

At our school, we use the phrase: "Better Together" to guide our culture and climate. In addition, we have social emotional themes for every month:

August Better Together

September Being Respectful

October Empathy

November Compassion & Gratitude

December Compassion

January Self-Awareness & Emotional Regulation

February Integrity & Making Responsible Decisions

March Peer Relationships

April Solving Problems & Seeking Help

May Citizenship & Leadership

At Secrest, we have clear expectations, teach to those expectations, set goals, and celebrate when we meet those goals. In our daily classroom circles we talk about what helps us be better together and celebrate students who are making positive contributions to our classroom communities.  Student council will also be creating some ways that we will celebrate students who are making contributions to the whole community. Student leadership jobs both in the classrooms and in our school at large help Secrest be "Better Together!"  

How can you support your student at home?

-A core principle of PBIS that you can use at home is the 5:1 rule.  For every corrective statement made, provide five positive statements or praises of your child's behavior.  

-Use your schools themes and expectations to reinforce student behavior at home

-Talk to your student about what these behavior expectations look like at home and in the community