Classroom Information
How to Contact Me
How You Can Communicate
Monday - Friday anytime between 7:00 am and 3:00 pm
Classroom Dojo - Ms. Maddy
Classroom phone - 303-982-3024
How Ms. Maddy Will Be Communicating
Students will be sent home with daily "what I did today" sheets
Weekly Updates sent via Email and Classroom Dojo
Parent Teacher Conferences
Email/phone calls/Dojo for important information related to your child
General Schedule
Community circles in gen ed
Literacy and math instruction
Social/emotional instruction
Art, music, or P.E with gen ed
Instructional time in gen ed
Independent work time
Outside services as per individual IEP
Weekly cooking lessons
Adaptive PE classes
Other Information
Students can attend all field trips with their gen ed peers
Progress monitoring reports will be sent out every trimester
Students will have the opportunity to buy objects from the school store with school tickets
We will be attending two field trips as a program this year