World Geography

HEI Project DAY 1

Day 1 - Finding Research Quality Sources | Video Lesson

2021 Fall Global Issues Topics with Keyword and Databases (Raveczky)

Database Keywords that Work by Topic

Use These Research-Quality Sources

Citing Sources  in MLA 9

(If using a database, the citation is provided for you...just copy/paste it.) 

Day 1 Video Lesson - How to Find Reputable, Research-Quality Information for Your Project 

HEI Project Database Lesson Rev 2018.mp4

HEI PROJECT DAY 2 - Creating Infomercials with Adobe Express

Day 2 Resources 

How to Use Adobe Express to make a PSA (This year, you will be making an infomercial instead of a PSA. PSAs tend to only promote one side of an issue, so make sure to include a balanced look at your topic).

Brochure Templates

Slides Brochure Template

Docs Brochure Template

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