World Geography
HEI Project DAY 1
Day 1 - Finding Research Quality Sources | Video Lesson
2021 Fall Global Issues Topics with Keyword and Databases (Raveczky)
Database Keywords that Work by Topic
Use These Research-Quality Sources
Opposing Viewpoints Database (keyword searching)
Global Issues in Context - Up-to-date information about current world issues and international news stories.
Masterfile Premiere - database of current magazines & newspapers
(If using a database, the citation is provided for you...just copy/paste it.)
Day 1 Video Lesson - How to Find Reputable, Research-Quality Information for Your Project
HEI PROJECT DAY 2 - Creating Infomercials with Adobe Express
Day 2 Resources
How to Use Adobe Express to make a PSA (This year, you will be making an infomercial instead of a PSA. PSAs tend to only promote one side of an issue, so make sure to include a balanced look at your topic).
Example of Video Infomercials That Present Multiple Sides of An Issue
Pros and Cons of Zoos -
Free College Tuition-
Self-Driving Cars-
Brochure Templates
Print Settings
If you're printing at school, do this:
File > Print
Change to LMC BizHUB Color printer
Click "Print using system dialog"
Click Preferences button
On Quality tab, confirm that Auto Color is selected in the top menu
On the Layout tab
Change Print Type drop-down to 2-Sided
Change Binding Position drop-down menu to Top Bind.
Culture Grams - START HERE. Find information about the cultures and peoples of the world. Includes maps, images, statistics, flags and more.
This database will do your MLA citation for you! Look at the bottom of each page on the website or check with Mrs. Jonson if you need help.
CIA World Factbook - Provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities.
MLA Citation Example - “The World Factbook: ALGERIA.” Central Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, 23 Jan. 2018,