
1:1 Chromebooks

Google Applications

G.Calendar | G.Drive | G.Keep | G.Clasroom | Gmail

Need Help with Math and/or Science??

Free Tutoring on Tuesday evenings.

September Digital Citizenship - Google Slides.webm

September Digital Citizenship

Digital footprint (your history) and digital identity (your reputation)

October Digital Citizenship

October Digital Citizenship

Cyberbullying: digital dilemmas, hate speech and xenophobia

November Digital Citizenship

November Digital Citizenship

Confirmation bias and fake news: how to identify fake stories, your own biases, and critically seek out various sources of information.

December Digitial Citizenship

December Digital Citizenship

This lesslon looks at online tracking and facial recognition: how websites, apps or third parties collect information about your online activity.

Social Media and How You Feel - Lesson Slides

Janurary Digital Citizenship

This lesson dives into media balance: how dopamine affects the brain, and the difference between active and passive social media useage.

Chatting and red flags

February/March Digital Citizenship

How can you tell when an online relationship is risky? This lesson covers topics such as grooming, red flags and sexting. Post lesson, students are encouraged to take a pledge.

Google End-of-Year

Google End-of-Year Clean-up

Includes recourses and links on how to clean-up your Google.Drive, Gmail (delete all those emails), archiving classes, and cleaning up your bookmarks bar + sign-up for the Jeffco Summer Reading Program.

Summer Student Engagement 2022

Summer Fun

This slide includes links to fun activites like geocaching, learning to salsa dance, and Jeffco Summer Reading Program - help GMHS win $800!!!