Therapy Dog Lesson

How to Meet, Greet and Treat Dogs Lesson

Do you want to learn the best way to meet and treat dogs that you live with and are in your community?

If you live around dogs or are interested in reading with a therapy dog when it becomes available at Fort Logan Northgate Library after school- this is the lesson for you!

During regular library time we will first read a book entitled, May I Pet Your Dog by Stephanie Calmenson. We then get to practice the three steps to meeting a new dog with a stuffed animal. Finally we all get a chance to practice with Sam, Ms Mercord's registered therapy dog! The only requirement is a signed permission slip by a parent/guardian. The permission slips will go home in the student folders, but you can also find a copy here! Just print it off, sign it and send it back to Ms Mercord.

Permission Slip Lesson with Sam

Any questions please don't hesitate to call (720-833-6838) or email:

Look forward to seeing you in the library!