Meet the School Librarian

Ms. Mercord and Sam, the Therapy Dog

If interested in reading with a dog program check out one of many articles: Article-Reading with Sam

Hello fellow FLN Commanders!

I am Ms Mercord, the teacher librarian at Fort Logan Northgate School. While this is my first year at FLN it is my 25th year teaching! Oh how the time goes when having fun. Teaching is indeed fun and has also taken me around the world. While I am a graduate of Jefferson County schools (go Bears!) I also worked overseas in schools on military bases, and had the privilege of working with our military children. Now I am back home and excited to once again work with the amazing students and families at Fort Logan Northgate.

I love reading, learning new technology, and seeing students do the same in the library. Some of my favorite authors are Pseudonymous Bosch, Phyllis Reynolds Naylor, Nick Bruel, James Dean and W. Bruce Cameron. Please come by the library space to tell me your favorite authors! In my free time I like to volunteer with my therapy dog Sam. We get to meet the most interesting people doing that work. I also like to spend as much time outdoors, traveling, and volunteering with pet rescue.


I'm Ms. Feliz, the library paraprofessional at Fort Logan Northgate. This is my first year at FLN and I am so excited to be in the library. I am originally from Albuquerque, New Mexico, but Colorado has been my home for many years now. In my spare time I like to spend time with my family, binge watch Netflix and of Learning and teaching all of the new tech we are getting at FLN is fun too!

I look forward to getting to know the students at FLN and showing them all the places reading can take them.