

ACE Success

Mrs. Carter (teacher)

Email:; Room S-4; 303-982-6043

Mr. Robert Hawkins M.S.W (JHS Social Worker)

Email:; 303-982-6082

What is ACE Success?

This “ACE” class is a CTE (Career and Technical Education) course that places a special emphasis on the student’s relationship with their own life, the surrounding community, and the world. Instruction varies with the students, their learning styles, and their individual needs. The content of the course has been modified for students of all learning styles.

ACE is a year-long elective credit course. It is an interactive, activity based character education program that includes classroom activities, guest speakers, financial literacy, and equine and ropes course field trips. This class is designed to improve each student’s personal ethics; teach problem solving skills; improve self-confidence; build awareness in the use of effective life skills; encourage positive study skills that promote success in school; and support students in their overall daily decision making process. ACE offers students an opportunity to take a look at their own lives in a safe, non-judgmental, and collaborative environment; to reflect on their individual positive and negative behavior; and to discuss the implications of their chosen behavior. The focus of instruction is to create a safe, caring, well managed, and participatory learning environment for all students. Teachers of this class must be competent, considerate, compassionate, have a safe relationship with all students, and respect cultural and ethnic diversity.

Five of the National Social Emotional Learning Standards (SEL) used in ACE:

· Self-awareness: recognizing and identifying emotions

· Self-management: managing responses to emotions

· Social Awareness: developing positive relationships

· Relationship Skills: establishing positive relationships

· Responsible Decision Making: making positive and ethical decisions about behavior.

Four of the Colorado State CTE Learning Standards used in ACE are:

ESSK.01 Academic Foundations: Achieve additional academic knowledge and skills required to pursue the full range of career and postsecondary education opportunities within a career cluster.

ESSK.02 Communications: Use oral and written communication skills in creating, expressing, and interpreting i information and ideas including technical terminology and information.

ESSK.03 Problem Solving and Critical Thinking: Solve problems using critical thinking skills (analyze, synthesize, and evaluate) independently and in teams. Solve problems using creativity and innovation.

ESSK.07 Leadership and Teamwork: Use leadership and teamwork skills in collaborating with others to accomplish organizational goals and objectives.

The principles presented in ACE have been adopted from the book, "Cowboy Ethics: What Wall Street Can Learn from the Code of the West” by James P. Owen. Mr. Owens presents ten everyday codes or ethics that make up the Code of the West. These ten codes/ethics are:

· Live each day with courage.

· Take pride in your work.

· Talk less and say more.

· Do what has to be done.

· Always finish what you start.

· When you make a promise, keep it.

· Know where to draw the line.

· Remember that some thinks aren’t for sale.

· Be tough, but fair.

· Ride for the brand.

In addition to the Code of the West, other “codes” are introduced throughout the course. All are presented to assist students in building a foundation for their personal future success. In the final weeks of the course, each student develops his or her own code to live by, thus equipping them with a powerful tool to overcome obstacles and shape their future. In general, ACE is a curriculum, in which students develop critical thinking, problem solving skills, and create a personal code with which to live by each and every day.

Student Voice as the Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO) for ACE:

At JJSHS, Student Voice (SV) represents the ACE, CTSO program. Career and technical student organizations are integral, co-curricular components, of each career and technical education course. These organizations serve as a means to enhance classroom instruction while helping students develop leadership abilities, expand workplace-readiness skills, and broaden opportunities for personal and professional growth. Students are encouraged to participate in Student Voice activities and membership to give their voice in the district and at school. Please see Mrs. Carter for more details on how to be a part of this exciting CTSO!!

Materials Needed by the Student:

The only thing you will need for this class is something to write with. All other materials will be provided. However, STUDENTS MUST HAVE THEIR CHROMEBOOKS EVERY DAY! According to JHS, you are required to have your device charged and with you every day for every class. I understand that you might forget sometimes, but if it becomes a habit, you will be required to make up your work during lunch or after school and/or other consequences based on an individual situations.


Four components make up the evaluation process for ACE:

    • Participation/PROPS : Weekly grade= ½ Teacher input, ½ Student input

    • Journal: Are students self-reflective? Are they making connections to their own lives? Are they demonstrating critical thinking, and effective problem solving strategies?

    • Collaborative Classroom Projects: How well did students work together, problem solve, and complete the assignment? Did they present clearly and effectively?

    • Final Presentation: Was a synthesis of the course work evident? Was the student able to clearly articulate and present his or her own personal code?

It should be noted that attendance is tracked, but not a component of evaluation for the course. If students miss class, it obviously impacts their participation and can affect their participation grade.

Grades are based on a percentage of total cumulative points from all assignments. The JHS grading scale is as follows: 90-100%= A; 80-89%= B; 70-79%= C; 60-69%= D; 0-59%=F

Attendance and Tardies:

As with any class, the more you are tardy or absent, the more you get behind, and the more your grade will drop. BUT, when you come to class and participate, you don’t have to “catch up” on your work, you will have a passing grade. So make an effort to be at school and on time to class. If you are absent, make sure you get your absences excused through the attendance office. If the absence is excused, it is your responsibility to ask for, complete, and turn in, the missed work. You will have two days for each excused absence to complete the missed work. With an unexcused absence, only half the points will be given for the assignment. All JHS attendance and tardy policies will be enforced so make sure you know the steps that will be taken. If you are tardy, you should come in without interrupting the class and sign the pink “Tardy Sigh In” sheet on my desk. As soon as I can, I will speak with you about the assignment that the other students are working on.


Just like life, the more you participate in everything we do, the smarter you will become. Our class is a team and we will all help you any time you need us. Helping others is part of our learning too.

Leaving the Classroom:

According to Jefferson policy, no one is allowed to leave the classroom during the first or last 10 minutes of class. You must have a red pass to leave the classroom.

Class Schedule:

Come in and get your materials. When the tardy bell rings, you should be ready to start learning and actively working. The tardy bell is NOT for “just making it in the door”. At Jefferson, we expect bell-to-bell instruction and learning and that is what we will do.