CTE (Career and Technical Education)

"ACE" Success

Hi, my name is Patti Carter and I have been teaching for 33 years with the last 11 years being at Jefferson High School. I graduated from Louisiana State University and am very proud of my LSU Tigers! My class is called "ACE Success Foundations" for the first year student and "ACE Success Systems" for the second year student. This is a CTE (Career and Technical Education)/ SEL (Social/Emotional Learning) class that helps students understand and cope with situations happening in their life. The course is based on the following standards:

Five of the National Social Emotional Learning Standards (SEL):

· Self-awareness: recognizing and identifying emotions

· Self-management: managing responses to emotions

· Social Awareness: developing positive relationships

· Relationship Skills: establishing positive relationships

· Responsible Decision Making: making positive and ethical decisions about behavior.