Khan Academy

We use Khan Academy as a compliment to the math curriculum. It is intended to be an online resource to prepare, practice, and master the skills they are learning in school- BEFORE they learn it in school. Khan Academy allows students the opportunity to practice the math skills we teach before we teach them in class. This allows the students to attend class with a preparedness that will allow them to gain individual understanding of the particular skill through the opportunity to ask questions specific to their needs. The students can then practice the skills until they have achieved mastery.

We chose Khan Academy as one of our online learning components for several reasons. Khan Academy uses common core standards-aligned materials, is non-profit, and provides a learning experience where students can use practice exercises that requires them to get the correct answer before they move on. The program aids the student in achieve 100% by providing step-by-step hints and instructional videos to lead the student to the correct answers; the student will learn more than how to get the right answer, they will learn the theory behind how to get the right answer. Additionally, the "missions" the students are undertaking are adaptive to their needs; Khan Academy will recommend new skills based on their math history on the site. Students may also search for virtually any math topic to find relevant videos and exercises. Khan Academy is also a great source for learning science, economics, finance, arts, and computing.

Grading for Khan Academy

Each skill is worth 5 points.

5 points for 70% or better on the skill

3 points for 60%- 69% on the skill

2 points for 50% - 59% on the skill

1 points for 1% - 49% on the skill

0 points for not attempting the skill