
We use Math Expressions for our instruction.

  • Aligns with Common Core State Standards (CCSS)

The Math units we explore in Kindergarten...

  • Understanding Numbers 1-10

  • Teen Numbers as Tens and Ones

  • Partners, Problem Drawings, and Tens

For extra Math practice at home:

  • Practice writing numbers in a variety of settings

  • Start at a given number and count on or count back

  • Identify numbers to 100 and count forwards and backwards to and from100, and then keep counting...

  • Work on ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd …)

  • Identify and describe geometric shapes

  • Use geometric shapes to make other objects

  • Practice using position words

  • Study the names and value of coins

  • Practice counting a variety of change

  • Study the clock; have your child read the hour and half hour times

Family Fun with Math

  1. Count with your children (number of blue cars, houses, people, insects…)

  2. Ask your child where they see numbers at home (newspaper, wallet, books, TV…)

  3. Give your child real-life problems to solve (setting the table - how many plates do we need?...)

  4. Take trips to the grocery store (which brand has the best deal? Look at prices…)

  5. Take trips to restaurants (numbers on the menu, prices, amount of money needed…)

  6. Design games using household items (seeds, cups, buttons…) and teach it to another family member or friend

  7. Estimate, then count the number of seeds in a piece of fruit (How many were there? How many more or less than your prediction?...)

  8. Use household items to create a repeating pattern. Describe the pattern. (Pasta, beans, buttons…)

  9. Look for repeating patterns in your home (stripes on the couch, design in the curtains…)

  10. Measure items using a yard stick, ruler, tape measure…

  11. Weigh items.

  12. Compare the amounts of liquid different items will hold (butter dish, measuring cups, spoons…)

  13. Cook! Double the recipe; halve the recipe. Talk about serving size, measure, add, subtract…

  14. Encourage children to explore, develop, test, discuss, and apply ideas!