Back to school


School is going to look different this year. Whether your student is returning to in-person learning or learning remotely, things are going to look different and may be difficult at times. It is normal and understandable that this school year may cause some unexpected or different emotions than in years past. Some students might feel excited, nervous, scared, or a mix of these and other emotions. During this time, it is important to help students adjust to our new “normal”. Below are a few tips to help students transition back to school.

  • Acknowledge the range of emotions they may be experiencing. Depending on your child’s developmental age, they may not be able to verbalize all of their feelings. Talk about how going back to school may bring up a range of emotions and normalize them, ”Going back to school can be such an exciting time and it can also feel a little scary too. It’s okay to have both feelings at the same time. I remember when I went back to work, I was excited to see my coworkers but I was a little worried about how things might be different. ”