Benefits of AP

Overall Benefits for the AP Student

  • Students learn rigorous college-level content and skills

  • AP courses are interesting and rewarding academic experiences

  • Opportunities to explore topics in depth

  • Opportunity to earn weighted course credit towards you high-school GPA

  • Taking an AP course helps students build various skills needed for success in collage & life:

critical thinking




multiple perspectives

clear writing & verbal communications


time management

study skills

  • Nationally, research shows that students who score a 3 or higher on an AP Exam typically earn higher grade point averages in college and have higher graduation rates than their non-AP peers.

Starting the Process:

Questions to ask yourself, your teachers, & counselor before you commit to AP

What AP course is right for me?

Before you talk to a teacher or counselor, think about what interests you:

  • Which courses do you enjoy most in school? In which subjects do you excel?

  • What college majors are you considering? What careers excite you?

  • Have you read through the Course Guide to see if this class(es) is/are right for you?

​Ask your counselor or teacher the following questions:

  • In which AP courses at our school am I likely to do well?

  • Are there other courses that can help me succeed in AP or prepare me for college and careers?

  • What is our school’s enrollment deadline?

  • May I speak with a student who has taken an AP course?

  • Are there study groups or people who can offer help if I need it?

  • What can I do next to help me prepare for AP?