About Me

     Hi there! It's always good to know a little bit about your teachers so here's a little bit about me.  I'm from San Antonio, Texas, but am extremely excited to be living and teaching in Colorado after moving here in 2010 with my amazing wife, Katherine.  I went to Texas A&M University where I earned my bachelors degree in chemistry and have been teaching high school science ever since (this is my 28th year!)   Later, I earned a masters degree in integrated science curriculum at Our Lady of the Lake University in San Antonio.

    I take my job as teacher very seriously because my class, along with all of your other classes, is laying a foundation for your future. While you ultimately decide what that future will hold, I want to give you the strongest piece of that foundation that I possibly can.

    During my free time, I enjoy skiing, hiking, biking, and backpacking with my family and friends. However, after running my first marathon in Washington, D.C. with Team in Training for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, I found that long distance running holds a special place in my heart. Distance running is the perfect metaphor for life: There is a lot of training necessary, you have to just keep going, and even if you've done everything right, you can never predict how it's going to go. But the journey is everything!