Mrs. Bridge: What we're doing in music

Here's what we've been doing for the fall semester in music class: 

- 4th/5th grade: we've been singing in 2 or 3 part rounds (that's when different groups sing the same song but starting at different times - like an echo!); we have reviewed the rhythms we know so far and then learned a new one in 4th grade - triplet (3 sounds to a beat - triple-ti), and 5th grade (ti tika and tika ti)! We have created and played rhythm patterns on instruments, and we have learned several singing and rhythm games and folk dances too.

- 2nd/3rd grade: we've been doing a lot of singing and practicing our solfege (that's do-re-mi!). We've done plenty of movement in the form of folk dances and , reviewed rhythms and learned 2 new rhythm notes - half note (2 beats long) and tika tika (4 sounds to a beat - 1/16th note). We've played games with these rhythms! We also discovered that music has patterns - called form - like ABA form - and we showed our understanding of this through movement and listening.. 

- K/1 - we too are singing and moving a lot as singing games are so important for improving our teamwork, taking turns, moving and singing in pitch skills! We've practiced keeping a steady beat, and 1st grade are recognizing 1 (ta/1/4 note) or 2 (titi/1/8th note) sounds on a beat and tracking those rhythms. K and 1st grade have already explored high and low sounds on instruments and in our songs. We've explored our 4 voices (sing/speak/whisper/call) and the sounds (timbres) of instruments that jingle, scrape, tap or shake.  1st grade have recognized loud and quiet sounds in our listening, moving, playing and singing activities.