DECA is a student-led organization for Marketing Students which prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. It is a Co-Curricular program, meaning DECA is an integral part of what we do in our Business and Marketing classes at Conifer High School.
Follow us on Instagram at conifer.deca or
Facebook at "DECA - Conifer High School"
Happenings and Opportunities Through Conifer DECA:
DECA Districts November 21st
State Competition at the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs
International Competition in Orlando, Florida
DECA 2024-25 Communications:
DECA Competitive Events Information:
JV DECA Information:
Who belongs to this dynamic organization?
Any student enrolled in marketing education where there is a DECA chapter can join DECA. In classrooms throughout the country, students form their own chapters and elect their own officers. Marketing education teachers/coordinators serve as individual chapter advisors. DECA chapters are self-supportive, with members paying chapter, area, state association and national membership dues.
Why is DECA important to the business community?
DECA advisors and chapter members take an active part in the development and growth of the communities in which they live and work. Students learn, while still in school, the vocational understanding necessary to compete in marketing, management, business and merchandising careers. These career-oriented young people are actively involved in creative marketing projects directly related to the careers of their choice.
DECA Members Gain 21st Century Skills
Through participation in DECA activities, 92% DECA members say they learned how to communicate thoughts and ideas, how to organize a presentation and more about what businesses expect from employees, while gaining problem solving skills.
DECA Members are Prepared to Become Leaders
More than 90% of DECA members say their experience empowered them to be an effective leader and connected school to the real world. Nearly 80% of DECA members say DECA helped them recognize the benefit of community service.
DECA Members are Motivated for the Future
DECA members say their experience prepared them academically for college and career (88%), influenced their college plans (68%), influenced their career plans (75%) and influenced their interest in entrepreneurship and owning a business (61%).