Exhibition Night

demonstration of learning

At Arvada High Exhibition Nights, the hallways, classrooms, and other common areas of Arvada are transformed into a museum of student work, with selected grade levels contributing and presenting at least one piece of academic work. Students, families, and other community members are then invited in to explore the work of students and enjoy a wide variety of demonstrated learning.

Next Exhibition Night

  • Wednesday; March 20th, 2019
  • Arvada High School Cafeteria; 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
  • Freshman Presentations:

How might humans create a sustainable colony?

  • A variety of other projects students have designed throughout the year will also be on display.

Freshmen are working hard to answer the question: How might humans create a sustainable colony? In this cross curricular project-based learning opportunity, students are rockin’ and rollin’ to master grade-level content and global ready skills while developing solutions for founding a sustainable human colony here on Earth or in space. Collaborative groups are researching and creating plans to establish new human colonies that will carry our species into the future.

Action shots of groups in various stages of learning. Make sure to visit during Exhibition Night on the 20th to peruse their final products.

Arvada Aspires...