Q: Does my student have to declare a pathway or academy as a freshman?

A: No! The Academy Program is an opt in at any point during your 4 years at GMHS. Students will fill out a Pathway Verification Form in the Spring Semester of their Senior year to be verified by GMHS staff to receive their graduation regalia and get the pathways on their final transcript.

Q: Is my student locked into a pathway or academy and unable to change if they change their mind?

A: No! As mentioned above, students do not submit their final pathways for verification until the Spring Semester of their Senior Year. Up until then, they are free to explore as many pathways and classes as they wish throughout their high school career. Some students start out thinking they want to do something and after taking a couple classes, decide it is not for them!

Q: What if my student doesn’t know what they want to do after high school and doesn’t want to commit to any pathway?

A: That is okay! The Renaissance Pathway is for any student who wants to try classes in all of the different Academies and Pathways but doesn’t have a specific one they want to complete. Students must complete 1.0 credits (1 full year or 2 semester classes) in each of the four Academies to complete this pathway.

Students who complete one or more pathways in any other academy are NOT eligible for this pathway.

Q: My student wants to change the pathway they were originally planning to complete. How do they do that?

A: Students do not have to declare or change any pathways until the Spring Semester of their Senior year. When selecting classes for the next school year, students should take a look at the requirements for the different pathways and select classes they would like to take based on the requirements for the pathway(s) that they want to complete.

Q: Can my student complete multiple pathways within one Academy?

A: Yes! Students are encouraged to complete as many pathways as they want to. However, they will only receive one cord per Academy that they complete a pathway in, even if they complete more than one in that Academy. Ex: A student has completed all three pathways within the Health & Human Services Academy - they will receive one red cord to represent that Academy, not 3 red cords to represent each pathway. Students who complete a pathway in all four Academies will have on each of blue, green, red and silver cords at graduation.

Q: What if my student doesn’t do a Pathway Verification their Senior year?

A: If students do not submit the paperwork to have the pathways they believe that have completed verified in the spring of their Senior year, they simply will not get the regalia to wear at graduation and won’t have the pathways on the transcript. They will receive their diplma as normal, as long as they have completed all of the credits for graduation.

Q: What if my student transfers to GMHS during high school?

A: Students who transfer to GMHS will be worked with one on one to see what courses they took at their previous school can count towards pathways. Exceptions can be granted on a case by case basis.

Have more questions? Reach out to one of our Academy Coordinators for help!
Jo Tiwari |

Becky Ketchum | rketchum@jeffcoschools.us