
Summit Scoop

By Ky

I think that Summit is a good place to learn, make friends, and meet new people, but there are a couple things I would change about it. At recess, I think we should add more equipment. I don’t think we should just have basketball hoops and soccer. Instead I think we should have more options, such as jump ropes, hula hoops, etc. Another thing is that I don’t think we should use iPads so much. Because of COVID, we all are using iPads to do our work, but I don’t think just because of COVID we should have to do iPads. I think we should do paper and pencil again too considering we only use it sometimes, for tests, assignments, etc. Those are the 2 things I would change here at Summit but otherwise Summit is great.

Why Summit should allow people to have their phones out or on them during school

By: Tailor Cross

Why I think kids at Summit should be allowed to have their phone out is because if something could happen to them they would need to be able to contact people for their help. So if someone broke into the school or the school was on fire then people would need to contact someone for their help. If they forgot something at their house they would need to contact someone like a parent to bring the thing they forgot. So if an intruder comes into the school and you didn’t know the meeting spot you could call/text one of your friends to try to find them or if you can not get a hold of your friend by calling /text your friend you could call the school. So if you get lost or your family needs to get a hold of you you won't be able to get to them and if you really need to. If you have your phone it could make your mental health better because your phone could make you feel better and more safe. It could also make your school easier because if you need a calculator quickly or need to look up something to make your work easier it will also be a lot more helpful. So in conclusion kids at Summit middle school should be able to have their phone out for many many reasons.

My Opinion about Chorus

By Jacob C.

To be honest, I don’t really to sing and that’s why I don’t want to be in Chorus. I would rather take another class instead of Chorus. There are some really good advantages to being in chorus like all you have to do is sing the right notes and it can be an easy “A”.

However, I have some reasons I don’t want to be in chorus. The first reason why I think that chorus is not a good class for me is because of concerts. It was fun in kindergarten through 5th, but now it is embarrassing to sing in front of your parents and hundreds of other parents, and our voices were better back then but now they don’t sound as good with our voices cracking. When I sang in music in 5th grade my voice would crack from time to time but now I have them all the time if I sing.

Look up “Why is Chorus important” and these can be some results of that. Adults who sing in choruses report significant personal benefits. Like feeling less lonely and more connected to others. Choral singers are remarkably strong contributors to their communities. Older choral singers report both a better quality of life and better overall health than the general people.

First of all, why would I feel less lonely if I’m singing with a bunch of random people that I don’t know. Second when I’m older and I will have less voice cracks than I would now when I am younger. Last but not least, you might want to make money for singing because if you are just singing for money I don’t think that would make me a living. Anyways chorus is not really the type of class for me. I prefer being in the band.