
Teacher Spotlight

By:Lyla Weber

Hello, welcome to the 4th edition of the summit scoop. Today I will be interviewing Mr. Robison. Mr. Robison teaches Project Lead The Way (PLTW). I will be asking him some questions today, let's get right into it.

What do you like most about teaching?

Creating challenging learning opportunities that students don’t necessarily get in their core classes.

How many years have you been teaching?

14 years

How much longer do you plan on teaching?

Around 26 years

How is COVID-19 changing the way you interact with your students?

The ability to work in small groups problem solving in collaborative hands on projects

Cartoon by Dillion A.

Food review

By Drew Thilges

The place I have decided to review is El Rodeo it is a great restaurant. It got a great interior with cool design on the walls. Food gets to you at a decent time when your waiting you get chips and dip. You can also get cheese dip and it is so good! I get it every time . Even if you can not go in person, you can get it sent to you. My favorite thing to get is El Rodeo Nachos and the chicken is good too . Over all it is 8/10 .


By Izzy Koestner

With guest Lulu Barsness

Summer break is almost here with almost 4 weeks left. I wonder what everyone will be doing? And all the teachers?

What is your favorite class


Favorite food


What do you think of when you have the best day

Going to Izzy's house and having pokey.

What do you want to be when you grow up

I want to be a baby doctor.

What do you do on the weekends

I go outside with my friends while I also go to Target with them.

Do you play any sports if so what sports do you play

No I don't, but I will start next summer.

What do you do in your free time

I like to watch Netflix.

If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be


Favorite teacher

Ms Walk and Mr Greenlee

What are you going to do this summer

I am looking forward to it going to the Clive pool with friends.

Teacher Spotlight

By Kelly Hitchcock

We are interviewing Ms. Petersen today. She works at Summit she teaches six grade, and we are going to tell you more about her.

  1. What is your favorite thing about working at Summit?

I really enjoy my coworkers and have made some great friends while working at Summit. Moving to 6th grade has been an awesome opportunity, and I love being able to see my students transition from elementary to 6th grade and then to 7th grade.

  1. What’s your favorite food?

My favorite foods are chocolate and pizza. I could eat them all day and any day!

  1. What do you like to do for fun?

My family loves to be outdoors, so we spend a lot of time finding walking trails and parks to explore. I also enjoy reading and try to read as many young adult books as I can during the school year in order to have recommendations for my students when they need to find a great book to read.

  1. What was the hardest thing about being a teacher this year with COVID?

The hardest part about teaching during the COVID pandemic has been the online teaching. Each time I had to teach through Zoom, it was difficult to not be with students in person to help with questions and to just talk about their days.

  1. Do you have any pets?

My family has 2 cats – Rizzo and Ramsey who are sisters – and a husky mix named Tippy who we just rescued two months ago. The three of them do NOT get along, yet… but I’m hopeful that will change!

Ms. Petersen helps her students a lot and I appreciate it.