
Recess needs to be Longer

by Mehdi

Recess is important because it serves as a necessary break from the rigors of concentrated, academic challenges in the classroom. It also offers social, emotional, and physical benefits that may not be fully appreciated when a decision is made to diminish it and it also increases students' level of physical activity.

More recess time needed

by Sean K.

My opinion is to have a longer recess because it is recess is only 15 minutes and i think it should be 20 minutes. It helps kids because it gives them more energy to do their school work when they are done with recess.

Idea:I am going to get a picture of recess.I think it helps kids be more active. Kids would be able to concentrate better in classes if they had a longer break.

Students of summit middle school deserve a longer lunchtime.

by Micah B.

Our lunch break is 30 minutes in total, but 15 minutes goes to lunch, and 15 to recess. We should get a longer time to chat with our friends, as well as eat of course. We shouldn’t have to wait to get free seating. That is probably one of the stupidest ideas ever. Just think about it. Someone has social anxiety, and their only friend is in a different class and they can’t sit with them? That’s stupid. I would appreciate it if the principal would take this into thought, though I am not trying to criticize the school. You have to give your students an opportunity to grow a little. In my case, this IS how you let your students grow. You should be giving them the responsibility to choose who they sit by during their break. But back to the real point. In my personal experience, I’ve never got to actually finish my meal. This is bad for many reasons. Students aren’t getting the energy they need, and this could lead to food waste. I would appreciate if this got out to the principal, and thank you for taking the time to read this.

Cell Phones at Lunch

By Larry

I have an opinion about letting students play on their phones during lunch, because most of the time we just sit there- bored out of our mind. When we get done with our lunch plus I think almost everyone could agree. so I think if we get done with our lunch we can play on our phones or watch YouTube or tik tok or listen to appropriate music on our phones.


by Ben B.

I think that the A La Carte items Should be at least 50¢ or less because they are kinda trash, and not worth it.

First of all, the A La Carte are…kinda good, but when compared to, let’s say a Rice Krispie treat, for free,(Because you made it at home,)it is so much better, than any of the Rice Krispies that you got from the A La Carte, and I felt like I was ripped off, and I think that it’s just better to save your money for a slushy that rips you off again, The A La Carte is just a pleasure that does not please me, and that’s why I think that the A La Carte Items should be priced down to 50¢.

My opinion on breaks at school

By Austyn

My opinion on school breaks is y do we half to have a brake at 12:40 when we could have a brake when we want. We should be able to have a limit to 2 breaks a day for 10 to 5 minutes.

But we should be able to have a break.

The reason y we should have more brakes is because it could give there brain a break then they will be ready to go back to work. Or if they wanted a snack break they could have a snack Quietly but if there disrupting the class they would half to put it away.

Swimming at School: Dive Right In

by Eli H.

Some people think that their shouldn’t be swimming at school because it’s not gonna help you.But I think that there should be swimming at school because it can help you if you don’t know how to swim,it makes your heart pumping,and it’s a fun activity to do in p.e.People have a lot of fun swimming and it’s a good activity to do for you.So I think there should be swimming at school.

Phones at school

By Rome Kittrell

I think phones should be allowed at school because people get bored when they’re done with their work. Using their phone can help them stop talking to someone during a test, it gives them something to do if they’re done with lunch, or at break time. I know a bunch of the students here at Summit want to use their phone at lunch, recess, and break without it getting taken away or getting in trouble. That is why I think phones should be allowed at school.

Kids Need Snacks

by Harris

Do you ever get hungry when you are in class at summit? I do, and that is why I think students should be able to have a snack in class.

Having a snack can give you energy. Students are able to stay focused on their work when they aren’t hungry. They are also in a better mood when their stomachs are full.

There are many benefits to students being able to have a snack during class.

Summit needs to consider this for the students.

Cell phones could save your life.

by Evan Tell

My opinion is that parents should give their children phones. In this article I will be telling you why parents should give their children phones. Phones are really good for safety reasons. When children are in trouble they can get hold of the police and other people that can save you. It’s not only for safety, it is for seeing where their children are and what they are doing. Most people you talk to will want their children to have phones so should you. Thanks for reading and I hope I change your opinion that parents should give their children phones.

Summit Students Need Breaks

By Izzy

Main question/sentence

(Why a extra break through your summit school day could/would/is help)

How it can help you learn

Research shows that taking purposeful breaks (anywhere from 5–60 minutes) from studying to refresh your brain and body increases your energy, productivity, and ability to focus.

How it effects you mentally

Skipping breaks can lead to faster burnout and higher stress levels. Employees stepping away from work for a few minutes increases their productivity, job satisfaction, mental health and well-being, and are overall more engaged in their work

Effect of breaks toward your feelings/emotions

Alice with breaks

Blake with breaks

Larry with breaks

Nico with breaks

Bendji with breaks

And rest is on a waiting list


By Korvin Curry

Studies have revealed that owning a pet greatly increases euphoria in the brain, which is basically happy enzymes.

Statistics show that some slug species are endangered. In Australia, there is a species known as giant pink slug which has become rare due to fires in the area; they’re basically giant red slugs.

Slugs and snails are incredibly important to the environment as they provide a source of food for other species, which we eat; another thing, similar to all animals, fecal matter is important since it acts as fertilizer.

As for my reason why I think we should have a slug, it’s very simple: having slugs kept away from predators will keep them safe and will make students happy. And it can teach some students how to take care of pets responsibly.

Also, to be honest, the whole reason I did this was because I thought it was funny and wasn’t expecting to go on a full rant about having a reason to have a pet slug. At first, this was just a joke, but now I fully support the cause of getting a pet slug.