How to Record Video & Audio

Screencastify Step Guide

To Add Screencastify:

  1. Go to:

  2. Log into account – using Sign in with Google (

  3. Go to My Account – My Subscriptions

  4. Click the Enter CODE button

  5. Enter Code: CAST_COVID

  6. It will send you an email saying it’s available until May 31 (even though the screen says May 13 on the account).

This will allow going past the free version’s 5-minute maximum limit of recording.

To Make a Recording:

  1. Click on the Screencastify icon next to the URL bar on your Chrome page.

  2. Once the command screen opens and you have your screen ready, press the “Record” button.

  3. Listen and watch for the countdown to recording. Once the countdown ends, everything on your screen and that you say out loud will be recorded. Proceed with your lesson.

  4. When you are done with your lesson, click on the Screencastify icon again, and press the red square (stop) button.

  5. A Screencastify screen will open automatically, and you can watch your recording.

To Link the Recording:

  1. On the Screencastify screen, change the viewing permission to Unlisted.

  2. Press the blue “Copy Shareable Link” button.

  3. Go to your learning plan and hyperlink the recording in your learning plan.

To Hyperlink on Your Learning Plan:

  1. Open your learning plan.

  2. Click and drag your cursor over the word or phrase of text where you want to hyperlink a recording to “highlight” the text.

  3. With the text highlighted, click on the “link” button in your toolbar. It looks like a chain link.

  4. Press Command-V (at the same time) to paste your copied shareable link in the “link” box.

  5. Now, your text should be blue and underlined, showing that if you click on it, your linked recording will open.