SchoolDude Tech Support

SchoolDude is our online work ticket system for submitting technology repair and maintenance requests.

Submitting SchoolDude Tech Support Requests

If you have submitted a SchoolDude ticket in the past:

Fill out the Email and Password fields and click Sign In.

If you have not submitted a SchoolDude ticket before:

Click on the dropdown arrow to register an account.

Fill out the fields. Our account number is 327104366.

NOTE: Registration will be complete after you submit your first request.

New users are not saved until their first request has been submitted.

Once you have logged in, click on the IT Request tab.

Fill in every field that has a red checkmark next to it:

For Step 3: Select Problem Type, hover over the icon that best describes the item currently experiencing an issue. The icon will change to a red Select button. Click on that button to confirm your selection.

For Step 4: Please describe your problem or request, please be as detailed as possible! If you have taken any steps to try to fix the problem (restarted computer, reset WiFi, swapped cables, etc.) please include this so that we know what you have already tried.

For Step 8: Attachment, if you are able to take a screenshot of the problem, please attach it here. If you have received any error messages, please also screenshot them and attach them at this step.

For Step 9: Submittal Password, our password is:


Once that is entered, click Submit.

Once your ticket is received, a technician will get started working on your request. You will be updated through email about the progress of your ticket.