
Sharing Cart

The Sharing Cart is a block for duplicating course items into a personal library and an easy way to move those Moodle resources and activities between multiple courses on your site. With just three clicks, the Sharing Cart copies and moves a single course item from one course to another.

NOTE: Items in the Sharing Cart are copied to it, not re-moved from the course.

Turn Sharing Cart Block On

Go to Add Block and choose the Sharing Cart.

New blocks added appear on the lower right side/frame.

Putting an Item in the Sharing Cart

Under the EDIT button, choose "Copy to Sharing Cart."

Copying Item From the Sharing Cart

Move to the second course and be sure the Sharing Cart block has been added to it.

In the Sharing Cart, the copied items will be listed.

Next to the item is a "Copy to Course" icon, click on it.

Move within the course and click on a dotted box placeholder to select the location to which that the item will be copied.