
Setting an Enrollment Key

Courses are defaulted in using an enrollment key for participants.

  1. In the Administration Block, select Users > Enrollment Methods > Self Enrollment (Student).

  2. Add the Self Enrollment, if needed.

  3. Click on the gear for the Self Enrollment settings.

  4. Check the checkbox to Unmask the key to see it.

  5. Enter an enrollment key. Checkbox ‘Unmask’ to see the key.

6. Start Date/End Date: You can choose to either enable and set a start and end date for enrollment to the course, OR leave the checkboxes unchecked.

7. Un-enroll inactive after: This can be set to automatically un-enroll students after the allotted days.

Setting a Group Enrollment Key

It is possible to set an enrollment key for a group that is different from the enrollment key of the course. Students who use the group key will be entered into both your course and their group at the same time. Thus, you get enrollment and grouping all in the same single step.

1. Before having your students enroll in your course, set a course enrollment key (see above steps). Users in groups do not need to know the master course enrollment key, only their own group enrollment key. The course enrollment key is simply there to keep others out of the course.

2. Turn editing ON - Create the groups you need within that course (Administration Block > Users > Groups). In the right frame, click on the "Create Group" button.

3. Add a name for the group and enter an enrollment key, then click Save.

4. Continue to Create Groups, setting a different enrollment key for each one.

5. When students enroll into the course, instead of giving students the course enrollment key, give them their group enrollment key.