
Activities Menu


The biggest section to understand!

  • Name: The text the student will click on

  • Description: Describing text; can make it visible on the item or not

  • Availability: Teachers can set assignment acceptance dates; be sure to uncheck Enable if you want it to always be available

Submission Types

Online text: Input text in a text box online

File submissions: The entry is submitted as a file or multiple files

Feedback Types

  • Comments on assignments (placed in a field on the assignment/gradebook)

  • Feedback files: Upload a file that contains comments (word, GoodNotes, etc.)

  • Offline Grading Worksheet: A file that can be downloaded, scored, then uploaded for the student; like a scoring rubric

Submission Settings

  • Require students click a submit button after they've entered input into an online text box or chosen a file to upload

Group Submission Settings

Students submit in groups: A group submission will be shared among group members and all members of the group will see each other's changes to the submission.

Require all group members submit: If enabled, all members of the student group must click the submit button for this assignment before the group submission will be considered as submitted. If disabled, the group submission will be considered as submitted as soon as any member of the student group clicks the submit button.


Notify graders about submissions: If enabled, graders (usually teachers) receive a message whenever a student submits an assignment, early, on time and late.

Notify graders about late submissions: If enabled, graders (usually teachers) receive a message whenever a student submits an assignment late.

Common Module Settings

Group mode:

  • Visible: Groups can see other group members’ entries

  • Separate groups: Groups cannot see other group members’ public entries (such as participants forums)

Other Activities

  • Chat: Synchronous messaging in real time

  • Choice: One question; multiple-choice answers

  • Database: Can develop a database (fields); this is a tool that allows linking to other online tools that are compliant

  • Learning Resources: Unused

  • Forum: Asynchronous discussion board

  • Glossary: Main glossary is editable by the teacher; secondary glossaries may be configured to allow student entries and comments

  • Lesson: Branching path activities much like a “Choose Your Own Adventure” story Quiz – multiple choice, T/F, Y/N, short answer, numerical, matching, can be given a time limit or allow multiple attempts

  • SCORM Package: Unused

  • Survey: Unused

  • Wiki: Collaboratively authored work built by group members

  • Workshop: A peer assessment activity with many options; Students submit their work via an on line text tool and attachments. There are two grades for a student: their own work and their peer assessments of other students' work.


  • Book: Multi-page resources with a book-like format; main chapters and sub chapters

  • File: Upload and display a variety of files

  • Folder: Using a folder to display resources is neater than displaying files one by one in a list. It takes up less space on the course page

  • IMS content package: Unused

  • Label: Text to indicate sections, visual clues

  • Page: Simple, plain text page

  • Tab display: Tabbed pages under one heading; makes organizing subtopics cleaner

  • URL: Link on the internet to a website or online file