
Using Electronic Documents as Resources

Moodle - Using Electronic Documents as Resources Chart

*Note: QuickTime (for .mov files), Windows Media Player (for .wmv files), and VLC (multiple filetypes) are free-to-download video players for both Macintosh and Windows computers.

Inserting Files into Moodle

Files should be uploaded to the Moodle server and then linked to from an entry. If files are out on the WWW, then entering their URL address will make a link to it. Be aware that if the files on the Web are moved (or archived on a site), the links will need to be updated. Linking to uploaded files will always work.

Linking to a File/Website

1. Choose Resource > Link to a file or website.

2. Enter a title for the item link.

3. For a website, enter the website URL address in the location field.

4. Files need to be uploaded FIRST to the Moodle server. These files stay within the course's Resources folder. Click on the Choose or upload a file button.

5. Then, choose Browse to locate the file on the local computer. Once found and the name is in the field, choose the Upload this file button.

6. Once the file has been uploaded to the Moodle server, click on the left checkbox next to the filename. On the right of the file information, click on Choose.

7. Under the Window section, change the drop down menu to New Window. This will then open a new browser window for the user to view the web site or file.

8. Then, Save the entry (bottom of the screen).