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Charging the iPad

Here are some tips to keep your and your students' iPads charging properly.

Restart your iPad

In order to keep the iPad's battery calibrated, it is important to shut down or restart your iPad every once in a while. We recommend shutting your iPad all the way down at least once a week in order to maintain calibration. To shut down your iPad, hold down the power button on the top left corner on the back of the iPad until you see the shutdown slider appear. Swipe the toggle to the right to power off the iPad.

Use the correct brick

Make sure to use the iPad brick included with your iPad to charge the device. The iPad takes a 10W charger; using a smaller 5W charger meant for iPhones may cause your iPad to charge more slowly or not charge at all while using it.

10W charger for iPads.

5W charger for iPhones.

Avoid extreme temperatures

Take care not to expose your iPad to extreme temperatures, either hot or cold, as this may affect battery performance. As stated on the Apple website, iOS devices perform best between temperatures of 0º and 35º C (32º to 95º F). Very cold temperatures may temporarily shorten your battery life and cause your device to shut off. Hot temperatures may permanently shorten your battery life as well. Try not to leave your iPad in a car or where it may be exposed to temperatures outside of its ideal range.