Connecting to a Server (Mac)

We have several servers available in the Johnston district for storage needs.

To connect to a server, first make sure Finder is open, then from the top menu, click Go > Connect to Server… You can also hit Command + K on the keyboard.

The Connect to Server window will open. Type in the name or IP address of your server, then click Connect. In this case, I am connecting to the staff server.

If a window pops up prompting you to log in, enter your username and password.

A list of volumes will appear. Select the one to which you would like to connect, then click OK. You can connect to multiple volumes simultaneously. After you click OK, the volume(s) will then be accessible on your computer.

To copy items from your computer to the server, drag and drop the files in Finder. The files will be copied to the server, with the originals remaining on your computer.

The local folder is pictured on the right, and the server folder on the left. To copy a file from one to the other, just drag and drop the file into the desired folder.

If you are ever unsure if the folder you are looking at is on your computer or on the server, hold down the Command key and click on the name of the folder at the top of the window. This will show you where the folder is stored. If the folder is stored somewhere under “Macintosh HD,” then it is stored on your computer.

Please be mindful that the server is shared space, and try to delete unneeded files regularly. Items deleted from the server will be deleted immediately and permanently.