Staff Technology Responsible Use 401.13

PDF Link on JCSD Website

Posted here for reference.

Series 400

The Johnston Community School District is committed to making advanced technology available for educational purposes. Acknowledging availability of electronic resources throughout the work place, the Board recognizes that staff members will share ideas, gain information, communicate with others and expand their classroom resources. As staff members connect to digital technologies, the use of new tools and applications brings responsibilities as well as opportunities.

The Board encourages staff to make responsible use of electronic resources to explore educational topics, conduct research, communicate with parents and students, contact others in the educational community and perform their job responsibilities. The Board anticipates that technology tools will expedite the sharing of effective practices and lessons across the district and will help staff stay on the leading edge of best practice by forming partnerships with others across the district, state, nation and around the world.

Staff may participate in educational networking sites. Educational networking sites are used by educators as teaching tools and for professional development. Staff will be allowed to access district approved social networking and media sharing websites on district-owned devices and only use those approved for academic/classroom use. (see also Social Media Responsibility Policy (401.14)

Staff shall only engage in responsible, appropriate, ethical and legal use of the district’s technology resources. The Board directs the Superintendent to specify those behaviors that are permitted and those that are not permitted, as well as appropriate procedures to guide staff use. In general, staff members are expected to communicate in a professional manner consistent with laws governing the behavior of school staff members, including but not limited to, federal laws governing copyrights.

This policy and the related administrative procedures shall cover all available district technologies, now or hereafter existing, not just those which may be specifically listed.

The Director of Technology working with appropriate staff shall establish regulations governing the use and security of the school district’s technology resources. The school district will make every reasonable effort to maintain the security of the system. All users of the school district’s technology resources, including students, staff and volunteers, shall comply with this policy and regulation, as well as others impacting the use of school equipment and facilities. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action, up to and including discharge, as well as suspension and/or revocation of computer access privileges.

Social Networking or Other External Web Sites

For purposes of this policy any web site, other than the school district web site or school-school district sanctioned web sites, are considered external web sites. Employees shall not post confidential or proprietary information, including photographic images, about the school district, its employees, students, agents or others on any external web site without consent of the superintendent. The employee shall adhere to all applicable privacy and confidentiality policies adopted by the school district when on external web sites. Employees shall not use the school district logos, images, iconography, etc. on external web sites. Employees shall not use school district time or property on external sites that are not in direct-relation to the employee’s job. Employees, students and volunteers need to realize that the internet is not a closed system and anything posted on an external site may be viewed by others, all over the world. Employees, students and volunteers who don’t want school administrators to know their personal information, should refrain from exposing it on the internet. [Employees should not connect with students via external web sites without consent of the superintendent.] Employees, who would like to start a social media site for school district sanctioned activities, should contact the superintendent.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop administrative regulations implementing this policy.

Legal Reference:
Iowa Code § 279.8 .
281 I.A.C. 13.35, .26.

Cross Reference:
104 Anti-Bullying/Harassment
306 Administrator Code of Ethics
401.11 Employee Orientation
407 Licensed Employee Termination of Employment
413 Classified Employee Termination of Employment
605 Instructional Materials

Date Approved: August 14, 2006

Last Date Reviewed: June 21, 2021

Last Date Revised: June 21, 2021