Administrative Regulation Staff Technology Responsible Use 401.13R1

PDF Link on JCSD Website

Posted here for reference.


Technology Vision

Technology will enhance teaching and learning. To the maximum extent possible, Johnston Community School District will provide a safe and ethical digital environment where our learning community can develop and reinforce the critical thinking, creative problem solving, communication and collaboration skills needed for life-long learners.

Technology Goals Curriculum/Student Learning

  • Provide technology tools to accommodate student needs

  • Provide common experiences for all students to use technology

  • Provide developmentally appropriate technology integration

  • Integrate Technology Literacy essential skills (Iowa Core) into all content areas

  • Support Iowa Core content area standards

  • Use technology to collect and analyze student performance

Professional Tools

The Board expects that all certified staff and administratively designated classified staff will learn to use electronic mail and electronic resources and tools and apply them daily in appropriate ways to the performance of tasks associated with their positions and assignments. Certified staff and identified classified staff will employ electronic mail at work as a primary tool for district communications. The district relies on this medium to communicate information, and staff will be responsible for checking and reading messages. Other applications may be selected by the district and used as professional tools. Staff is required to use those tools as directed by their position (student information system, grading, online content, websites, collaboration, communication and professional development tools).

Digital information, research, collaboration, communication and creation skills are now fundamental to preparing citizens and future employees of the 21st Century. 21st Century Skills are part of the Iowa Core. The use of electronic digital resources by users must be in support of education and be consistent with the educational objectives of the Johnston Community School District. In order to match digital resources as closely as possible to the approved district curriculum, district personnel will review and evaluate resources in order to offer materials which comply with Board guidelines listed in Board Policy 605.3 that govern the selection of instructional materials. Staff will provide developmentally appropriate guidance to students as they make use of digital resources to conduct research and to support district curriculum.

Staff will use district approved online tools, such as those that host content, assignments, course material, and activities. These include, but are not limited to, online learning environments and classroom webpage tools. Staff use of online tools (e.g. blogging, posting, uploading content, journaling, collaboration, social networking/media, etc.) or any tools that require users to create or have an account need to be approved by the Teaching and Learning Coordinator or Executive Director of Teaching and Learning or designee before such use in the classroom.

The network system of the district is provided for staff to conduct research and communicate with others. Communications over the network are often public in nature and therefore general rules and standards for professional etiquette , behavior and communication will apply. Users should not expect that files stored on or shared electronically by email or district servers, tools or applications will be private.

Network administrators may review files and communications, with or without notice to users, to maintain system integrity and to ensure that staff members are using the system responsibly. Network supervision and maintenance may require review and inspection of directories, files or messages. Messages may sometimes be diverted accidentally to a destination other than the one intended. Users should not expect that these files or communications will be private. The district reserves the right to access stored records, examine all system activities and review directories of messages and files to ascertain compliance with network guidelines for acceptable use. In addition, the district may inspect the contents of electronic mail or file directories of a system user and may disclose the contents to others when authorized or required to do so by law, subpoena, policies of the district, or to investigate complaints regarding electronic mail which is alleged to contain defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually-oriented, threatening, offensive or illegal material. All staff assigned an e- mail account must maintain the account by managing files (e.g. reading and deleting messages on a regular basis, archiving and deleting files). The storage of electronic data represents a cost in terms of hardware and software and as such will be allocated to users based on need.

Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship is the responsible use of information and technology. Safe, ethical and legal use of technology is a district and personal responsibility. Users are expected to advocate and practice digital citizenship.

Johnston Community School District’s focus areas:

  • Rules of the institution (Responsible Use Agreement)

  • Etiquette, standards of conduct, cyberbullying

  • Safety, identity and digital footprint.

  • Legal and ethical behavior

  • Digital literacy and security

Unacceptable ethics and behavior includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Using the district’s technology resources or creating, transmitting or receiving any material, information, or software in violation of district policies and regulations and/or federal or state laws and regulations, including material protected by trade secret or copyright guidelines;

  • Plagiarizing any material, including audio, text, images, videos;

  • Creating, transmitting or receiving threatening, obscene or pornographic material or any material that advocates violence, racism, or discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or disability;

  • Using district equipment or network for commercial activities, product advertisement, political advocacy or political lobbying;

  • Viewing, sharing or using any data/information that does not directly relate to users’ district position (ie. Infinite Campus student information, assessment data, etc.);

  • Participating in any form of cyber-bullying, including (not limited to) harassment, denigration, flaming, outing, trickery, stalking, impersonation;

  • The use of cameras is strictly prohibited in locker rooms and restrooms;

  • Capturing video, audio or pictures without the consent of all persons being recorded, their knowledge of the media’s intended use, as well as the approval of a staff member;

  • Accessing any service that incurs a cost; such cost will be charged to the staff member and sanctions may apply;

  • Downloading or uploading large files, printing excessive amounts of material, and wasting resources;

  • Streaming video or audio as this takes up excessive network bandwidth;

  • Using or attempting to use user names, passwords, folders, or work that belongs to others or to “hack” the district’s technology system;

  • Subscribing to or using any unauthorized interactive site/application, such as, but not limited to, instant messaging, live journals, blogs, forums, postings, and chat rooms;

  • Tampering with equipment, such as but not limited to removing cables, cords, keys or key covers, settings, access, preferences or any other equipment/settings, or tampering with data of another user, or disrupting the operation of the district’s technology resources, including but not limited to introduction of computer viruses or worms, or attempting any of the foregoing;

  • Use of technology devices that are not the property of Johnston Community Schools without explicit permission of the Director of Technology or designee on district campuses;

  • All district equipment must use district network connections, including hardwire and wireless access points; no personal or other access points should be used in the district.

  • Applying non-district approved labels/stickers/covers and other items to district devices and cases.

Responsible Use Agreement

The Responsible Use Agreement (RUA) outlines the expectations that users are expected to follow when using district technologies and/or using technologies on the school campuses. In addition to this agreement, users are to abide by any school technology initiative handbook/agreement (e.g. School Digital Learning Environment). The RUA is intended to cover all available technologies, now or hereafter existing, not just those which may be specifically listed. Appropriate forms will be signed, collected and maintained to verify communication of such terms and conditions of use. When such forms are not used, it is still the responsibility of the user to be informed of expectations regarding usage.

Access to Technology Resources

The district’s technology resources, including but not limited to, the district’s computers, mobile devices, network and Internet access, are the property of the district. No staff member shall have any expectation of privacy with respect to any materials in or on the district’s technology resources.

All technologies provided by the district are intended for academic/educational purposes.

  • Good judgment and common sense should be used and assistance sought, if necessary.

  • Access is a privilege and users are expected to practice digital citizenship. Digital citizenship involves responsibilities associated with etiquette, ethics, personal safety, intellectual property and lawful use of technology resources.

  • All activity on the network or while using district technologies may be monitored or retained, with or without notice to users.

  • If a user violates any provision of district policy or regulation with respect to technology use or any of the Responsible Use Agreement’s terms and conditions, the user’s technology privileges may be suspended, terminated, restricted, or denied, and appropriate disciplinary action shall be applied.

  • Staff members may be responsible for any damage or loss they cause intentionally or by negligence.

Access to information and data should only pertain to a users’ district role. Users should not use their district access to view, share or use information (ie. Infinite Campus student information, assessment data, etc.).

Internet Access

Johnston Community School District provides its users with access to the internet and its resources. Access to online content via the network will be filtered in accordance with district policies and regulations and federal regulations, including the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). The compliance filter provides blocks to internet sites that are deemed inappropriate in content, message or intent. Although the filter is continuously updated, it is not a guaranteed security from all inappropriate content.

  • Internet access provided by the district is intended for academic/educational purposes. Internet activity of students will be monitored to the extent practicable and records may be retained, with or without notice to users.

  • Users must use the district wireless access points; no personal or other access points should be used on district campuses.

  • Users may not attempt to use any software, utilities, applications or other means to access internet sites or content blocked by the district filters.

  • If a user finds that a blocked site should not be blocked by the filter, a request can be made to the Technology Department. Likewise, if a user feels a site should be blocked, a request can be made.

  • Johnston Community School District devices may be used on other wireless networks while off campus.

  • While off campus, legal and responsible access to wireless networks is expected (public wifi, personal wifi with approval).

  • Users are expected to follow the same rules for appropriate behavior and respectful conduct online as with offline appropriate behavior and respectful conduct.

Employees are representatives of the district at all times and must model appropriate character, both on and off the worksite. This applies to material posted with personal devices and on personal websites and/or social media accounts. Posted messages or pictures which diminish the professionalism or discredit the capacity to maintain respect of students and parents may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination if the content posted is found to be disruptive to the educational environment and adversely impacts the employee’s ability to effectively serve as a role model or perform his/her job duties for the district. The type of material that would affect an employee’s ability to serve as an appropriate role model includes, but is not limited to, text or depictions involving hate speech, nudity, obscenity, vulgarity or sexually explicit content. Employee communications with students should be limited as appropriate. If there is any uncertainty, employees should consult their building administrator.


Johnston Community School District will provide users with access to websites and tools that promote communication, collaboration, creation and sharing.

  • Users are to use the district-approved applications and tools.

  • Users are to use the district tools for academic/educational purposes.

  • The applications/tools must be for a specific classroom activity, directed by course/classroom teacher.

  • Applications/tools that require an account to be created or used need to be approved by the Teaching and Learning Coordinator, Executive Director of Teaching and Learning or designee prior to use.

Requests for Online Tools/Sites

  • The Johnston Community School District understands that 21 century learning is constantly changing technology and that some sites that are currently "blocked" by the District's internet filter may have pedagogical significance for teacher and student use.

  • If you would like to request that an online site be accessible to use for teaching and learning, please submit a request via SchoolDude.

  • Requests will be reviewed and determination of use will be communicated to staff members.

Personally Owned Devices

  • Personally owned devices are not to be used on campuses to gain access to content blocked by the district filter without district consent.

  • The security of personally owned devices is not the district’s responsibility.


  • Security on all district technology devices and network is a high priority.

  • Users who identify a security problem on the network or other technologies are expected to immediately alert district personnel.

  • Demonstrating a prohibited activity to other users will be considered inappropriate and may result in loss of privileges.

  • Any attempt to harm or destroy data, devices or the network is prohibited.

  • Any user identified as a security risk or having a history of problems with other district technology may be denied access.

  • All users must understand that information/data performed on/through district equipment/services should not be considered private.

  • All users using District owned devices to send or receive personal messages on District or personal accounts should not consider these private, even when these messages are unrelated to school or work.

  • Users are responsible for maintaining a safe environment.

  • Users will keep passwords secure and will change passwords when directed by the network administrator for security purposes.

  • Any user identified as a security risk or having a history of problems with other computer systems, networks or services may be denied access.

Downloads/Streaming Content

  • With approval of the district’s Director of Technology or designee, users may be able to download file types, such as images, audio or video. For the security of the district’s network, such downloads should be from reputable sites and only for academic/educational purposes.

  • Streaming video and audio is prohibited during the school day unless directed otherwise by district administrative personnel. Depending on bandwidth availability, downloads and streaming may not be available.

  • Devices and content may be monitored, with or without notice to users.

  • Users may be asked to delete downloaded content from accounts/devices.

  • All downloaded content should be obtained from authorized sources by legal practices and methods.


The district makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the technology resources and access it is providing, and it shall not be responsible for any damages suffered. This includes loss of or unsecure data delays, non-deliveries, mis-deliveries, or service interruptions caused by any reason, including its own negligence or user errors, omissions or negligence. Use of any information obtained via networks or digital services is at the user’s risk. The district denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through its system.

Any statement of personal belief found on electronic networks or services is implicitly understood to be representative of the author’s individual point of view, and not that of Johnston Community School District, the Board of Education, its administrators, teachers, staff or the participating school.

The Network Specialist will report inappropriate behaviors to the Director of Technology who will discuss appropriate disciplinary action with the employee’s supervisor. Any other reports of inappropriate behavior, violations, or complaints will be routed to the staff member’s supervisor, Director of Technology and the Superintendent (or designee) for appropriate action. Violations may result in disciplinary action, which could include restriction or loss of access to the system and employment consequences, up to and including termination. When applicable, law enforcement agencies may be involved.

At the inception of this policy each staff member will be given copies of the board policy STAFF TECHNOLOGY RESPONSIBLE USE POLICY and ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS and sign and date a form acknowledging receipt thereof. Staff will sign and date a form acknowledging receipt of the policy and administrative regulations every year during the contract renewal process. New staff members will acknowledge this policy during the hiring process. The form below is used with student teachers.

Date Approved: August 14, 2006

Last Date Reviewed: July 13, 2020

Last Date Revised: July 13, 2020