Homework Help?

Do you need help on homework?

Get FREE TUTORING with us on

You still have school.....so you still have some homework! Please take advantage for JCYC's FREE after school tutoring.

Official tutoring has started!

JCYC Open After School tutoring

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday:

3:00 - 4:00 pm


Open After School tutoring w/ Beacon -


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


If you haven't already, please make sure you and your parent/guardian have signed both JCYC Intake/Needs forms as well. This ensures that we are serving our MLK students.

Links to the forms in various languages are below. Please fill out the forms and email to Ms. China at morganc@sfusd.edu

Docuhub Versions (Click link below):

English Forms Spanish Forms Chinese Forms

Fillable PDF Versions (Click link below):

If you have any questions or need support filling out the JCYC Intake/Needs forms, feel free to email/text me!




(remember SFUSD students can only email me from this email. Parents may email me from either email with questions.)