Power and Control in Texts

Learning Intention

Consider the power of language in texts and in our classroom conversations


  1. Nominate one person in the group to share screen and sound.

  1. Read Question 1 and listen to the audio clip (as a group) from an interview with author Patricia Forde. Then, discuss and post your answers underneath.

  2. Read Question 2, then post your answers underneath.

Please note: You can post multiple times

Question 1

(Spend 8 mins here)

Listen to the following clip from Patricia Forde:

  • Think of a text (poem, film, non-literary etc) from your Junior Cycle English classroom

  • How has language/word choice been used in this text to exert control over the characters?

Type your answer on the Padlet below.

Click on the + button in the bottom right corner or on the 'add comment' section.

Question 2

(Spend 7 mins here)

"The impact of language / word choice can spark discussions or debates in class"

  • Consider the above statement and your own context. To what extent have you experienced this in your classroom? Give an example below

Insert your answer in the Padlet embedded below. Click on the + button in the bottom right corner or on the 'add comment' section.