Session 1

Looking at English

in our School

Learning Intentions for this session:

  • To share recent experiences of teaching and learning in Junior Cycle English​

  • To explore planning for assessment

  • To collaboratively create a sample assessment focusing on personal writing

Scroll down for more ⬇️

IMPORTANT: For all activities below we encourage the following:

  • Nominate one person in each group to share their screen/audio

  • To share screen - click on the green 'share screen' button in your control bar. Select your screen from the options and tick the box in the bottom corner to 'share sound'

Share Screen and Sound

Activity 3: Collaboratively Creating an Assessment

Think of your own school. Consider sample prompts below

  • School context - co-educational, DEIS, etc...

  • How many second year English classes are there?

  • What interests do your students have?

  • Are any students following the Level 2 Learning Programmes?

  • Identify one departmental goal. For example - greater accuracy in spelling, punctuation and grammar

  • Are any department strategies in place?

Learning Outcomes

Tour the ThingLink and texts below by clicking on the each of the tags

Click anywhere on the grey image below to open Google Slides

Please note:

The content generated by participants on the Google Slides is intended as illustrative of possible approaches teachers might choose to adopt in their specific contexts. The ideas and views shared and expressed are participants' own and their inclusion here does not imply an endorsement of these ideas or any references to materials, websites, companies or resources by JCT.