Business Partners

Thank you for considering partnership or sponsoring NJES!

We would love to partner with you to share in shaping the future of our community as we Grow Together at NJES. We are excited to collaborate on how we can work with you as a business partner and explore creative ways to work together.

  • Serve - We have opportunities for individuals to support teachers and students in a variety of ways with your time and talents.

  • Sponsor - Opportunities for funding outdoor learning spaces, staff and student needs and celebrations (lunch, supplies), literacy through our book vending machine, and more.

  • Support - Through our partnership with Legacy Youth Mentoring we have many opportunities to be a mentor to a student (30 min/week) or share your expertise with students through in class visits and/or career showcases.

Interested in being a Partner in Education? Please call the school at 706-693-2246 or complete this form. We would love to have you a part of our team!

Thank you to our partners in education who are committed to seeing our students succeed and thrive in our community. These include: