Language Policy

Language Philosophy

JCHS champions a holistic approach to language learning, recognizing it as a conduit not only for acquiring a second language but also for embracing diverse cultures, thereby enhancing international-mindedness and cultural identity. We acknowledge language as the cornerstone of communication and learning, positioning every educator as a language teacher within their domain. Language is fundamental to the development and refinement of social, emotional, and cognitive skills. 

In this spirit, we encourage all students to achieve fluency in more than one language and provide them with opportunities to complete the World Language Pathway. Support for language learning  is embedded within each discipline to promote language and academic proficiency in both writing and speaking. The importance of a student's heritage or first language  is key to development, and we encourage community and family support in language learning. Additionally, we offer a spectrum of extra-curricular activities that deepen language competencies and cultural understanding, preparing our students for a globally interconnected world.

Language Profile

The majority of the students at Jackson County High School speak English as the first language. With the exception of our modern language courses in Spanish and French, English is the language of instruction. However, other languages spoken by students are primarily Spanish and Hmong.

At this time our Language B offerings are French and Spanish; however, the community is growing in diversity as it transitions to a more metropolitan population. As such, there is a growing need to accommodate speakers of other languages.  With that transition, our school aims to grow the current French program and will consider additional Language B offerings as the need arises.  

Students will be allowed to self-study Language A courses in their mother tongue with the assistance of a community-based tutor.

Language Resources

IB Language Courses

Currently, the school offers three IB language courses:

Students will be allowed to self-study Language A courses in their mother tongue with the assistance of a community-based tutor.

Extra-Curricular Language and Cultural Opportunities

Enrichment opportunities are available to all Jackson County High School students to enhance their experience in languages and global cultures. By participating within these opportunities our student body is able to increase their cultural and international mindedness.  In addition, participation in these opportunities recognizes and encourages the use of a  students’ first language to maintain cultural identity and build a supportive environment.  Currently, our school offers the following extracurricular opportunities:

English Learners Support

At Jackson County High School, our English Language Learners (ELL) population is enrolled in general education classes with the rest of the student body as a means to introduce them to the language but also immerse them into the culture. Our ELL students are identified based on their central enrollment paperwork upon entering our district. ELL students make up approximately 1% of the student population and have access to specialized services. The school also has two dedicated ESOL (English Speakers of Other Languages) teachers who assist these students and provide specialized supports to bridge the students’ knowledge of the English language in the content areas. 

Please see the inclusion policy for more information about ELL services in the IB program.

Seal of Biliteracy

Students can earn the AAPPL Seal of Biliteracy upon successful completion of a series of assessments across language skills. The Seal recognizes students who have studied and attained proficiency in two or more languages before graduating from high school. For students in IB Spanish B SL, the Seal of Biliteracy is currently available in English and Spanish based on exam scores; other students may earn the Seal of Biliteracy based on state requirements.